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Medicinal Plants In The Traditions Of Prophet Muhammad

Medicinal Plants In The Traditions Of Prophet Muhammad


Medicinal plants in the traditions of Prophet Muhammad
Dr M I H Farooqi
Scientific Study of Prophetic Medicine, Food and Perfumes (Aromatics)
Sidrah Publishers, Lucknow, India, Reprint
Paperback 208 Pages
Prefatory remarks/Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi
Introductory remark: Maulana Syed Kalbe Sadiq.
Preface: Maulana Mohd. Rabey Nadvi.
Foreword: S.K. Jain.
Introduction/M. IIyas.

Medicinal , aromatic and food plants mentioned in the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Deals with more than 70 plants and plant products. English, Local and Botanical names are given

Contents: Include:

1. Medicine of the prophet.
2. Islam and medicine-views by western scholars.
3. Great Muslim men of medicine.
4. Important traditions of the prophet on health, hygiene, diseases and general treatment.
5. Medicinal plants in the prophetic traditions.
6. Food plant in the prophetic traditions.
7. Aromatic plants (Perfumes) in the prophetic traditions.
8. Cedar of Quran and the traditions.
9. Camphor of Quran and the traditions.
Indexes: English names of plants and plant products. ii. Arabic names of plants and plant products. iii. Botanical names. Bibliography. Views.

'Like the earlier publication Plants of the Qur'an, the present book entitled Medicinal Plants in the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad is a scientific study of medicinal, food and aromatic plants mentioned in the traditions (Ahadith) of well-known collections of Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Maja, Nasai etc. More than seventy plants have been described separately with their relevant traditions. Every effort is made to identify these plants on the basis of Ahadith and current scientific literature. No-in-depth study of botany or chemistry is intended: the main object of the work is to understand prophetic sayings pertaining to medicine, food and perfume in proper scientific perspective.
Well known Islamic Thinker Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi has described the book as "The Solid Work on Prophetic Medicine" whereas Dr. S.K. Jain, eminent botanist consider it as 'the work which can be salvaged for the benefit of humanity". In the opinion of distinguished chemist Prof. M. IIyas the work is the 'best book on prophetic medicine, based on coherent scientific reasoning". Scientists and Islamic scholars have extensively reviewed the present book, like plants of Quran earlier, in India and abroad'

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