Leasing (Ijarah) Process In Islamic Banking System
Leasing (Ijarah) Process In Islamic Banking System.
A valuable treatise on the Leasing (Ijarah) Process In Islamic Banking. The author has compiled the book in a lucid and easy to understand language and has explained all technical and practical aspects relating to Ijarah.
Many people are unable to differentiate between the various modes of Islamic Banking from that of conventional banking, which causes misconceptions with regards to the working of Islamic Banks.
The author, Mawlana Ejaz Ahmad Samadani of Jame'ah Darul Ulum Karachi, has written a number of works on Islamic Banking. His dissertation on the topic of Islamic Banking and Gharar (uncertainty) earned him a Ph.D from the University of Karachi.
•Author: Mawlana Ejaz Ahmad Samadani
•Publisher: Darul Isha'at
•Pages: 118
•Size: 21.7 x 14.4 cm
•Weight: 280(Gram)