Easy Syntax ( Asan Nahw Part 1 and 2 )
Easy Syntax An English Translation of Asan Nahw Part 1 and 2 (One and Two)
This book is a gradual introduction to Arabic Syntax (Nahw). It is only mentioned the absolute essentials in each chapter of Part 1, and the remaining information for Part 2.
'Easy Syntax' is the English translation of the Urdu work Asan Nahw. This book can be used as a primer before the more established work Ilm an-Nahw, in particular for those who have been finding it difficult to grasp books on Nahw.
- Part One Contains 33 Lessons,
- Part Two Contains 60 Lessons, Exercises and Discussion.
It was felt the subject matter in hand should be taught gradually by the author's which is the reason why this book has been split into two parts. As such Part One contains only the absolute essentials so that lessons are easily understood and learnt. Later in Part Two; further information and detailed discussion is provided.
About The Author
Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Mufti Saʿīd Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf ibn ʿAlī Pālanpūrī
Early life and primary education
Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Mufti Saʿīd Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf ibn ʿAlī Pālanpūrī was born in the Palanpur region, situated in North Gujarat, India in approximately 1359/1940. It was here that he acquired his primary (Maktab) education.
Subsequently, he enrolled at Darul Uloom Chhapi where he studied Persian by his maternal uncle Mawlānā ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Shīrā and other teachers. After six months, his uncle left the institute, so he also left with him and continued his Persian studies with him in his uncle’s village.
Thereafter, Mufti Ṣāḥib enrolled at a seminary in Palanpur city which was being managed by the great reformer Mawlānā Nadhīr Miyā Ṣāḥib. Here, Mufti Ṣāḥib studied the first four years of the ʿAlim programme until Sharḥ Jāmī. His teachers included Mufti Muḥammad Akbar Miyā Pālanpūrī and Mawlānā Hāshim Bukhārī, who was a graduate of Darul Uloom Deoband originally from Bukhārā, who is buried in the Baqīʿ cemetery in the blessed city of Madīnah.
Intermediate and advanced education
In 1377 (1958), Mufti Ṣāḥib travelled to Mazahirul Uloom, Saharanpur in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and studied various disciplines here for the next three years. His teachers here included: Mufti Yaḥyā Ṣāḥib (d. 1417/1996), Mawlānā ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Rāipūrī and the master of inheritance, Mawlānā Waqār Ṣāḥib.
Thereafter, in 1380 (1961), Mufti Ṣāḥib enrolled in Darul Uloom Deoband to complete his studies and successfully graduated in 1382 (1963). Mufti Ṣāḥib was extremely intelligent and hardworking, and as a result attained 1st position in his class. Some of his notable teachers during these two years and the books he studied with them are as follows:
- Mawlānā Fakhr al-Dīn Murādābādī (d. 1392/1972) taught him Ṣaḥīh al-Bukhārī.
- ʿAllāmah Ibrāhīm Balyāwī (d. 1387/1967) taught him Muqaddimah and Kitāb al-Īmān of Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim along with the first volume of Sunan al-Tirmidhī.
- Mawlānā Bashīr Aḥmad Khān taught him the rest of Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim.
- Mawlānā Fakhr al-Ḥasan Murādābādī (d. 1393/1973) taught him Sunan Abī Dāwūd along with the second volume of Sunan al-Tirmidhī and Kitāb al-ʿIlal.
- Mawlānā Muḥammad Ẓuhūr taught him Sunan al-Nasāī.
- Mufti Sayyid Mahdī Ḥasan (d. 1396/1976) taught him Sharḥ Maʿānī al-Āthār.
- Ḥakīm al-Islām Qārī Muḥammad Ṭayyib (d. 1403/1983) taught him Muwaṭṭaʾ Mālik.
In 1382 (1963), Mufti Ṣāḥib enrolled on the Iftāʾ programme under the tutelage of Mufti Sayyid Mahdī Ḥasan Ṣāḥib. Given his abilities, his study period was extended for another year, and he was appointed in the final six months of the second year as Assistant Mufti, which was something unique at the time.
During this period, he also began to memorise the Quran. Mufti Ṣāḥib mentions that Mawlānā Fakhr al-Dīn Murādābādī Ṣāḥib would spend a lot of time on teaching the book of Tafsīr of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and it was then he realised that memorising the Quran is essential to fully understand the Quran.
First teaching post
After successfully graduating as a Mufti with invaluable practice, Mufti Ṣāḥib was appointed as a teacher in the famous seminary of Gujarat, Darul Uloom Ashrafia, Rander. Mufti Ṣāḥib taught here for nine years between 1384 (1965) and 1393 (1973) and his appointment from the outset was to teach the upper classes. Thus, during his time here, he taught the translation of the Quran, the four Sunan ḥadīth books, Jalālayn, Mishkāt al-Maṣābīḥ, the final half of Hidāyah and many other books. During this time, he also began to author some works including his famous book ‘Ḥurmat Muṣāharat’.
Final teaching post
In 1393 (1973), Mufti Ṣāḥib was appointed to teach in Darul Uloom Deoband, which he successfully did for 48 years until his demise. Thousands of students from across the world benefited from him. I met some of his students in Uzbekistan. His students attest that from the very beginning, Mufti Ṣāḥib’s lessons were very popular. Along with his profound knowledge, wit and method of deduction, his ability to simplify difficult concepts and instil them within the minds of the students was second to none. This is also evident from his publications.
As mentioned above, Mufti Ṣāḥib was tasked from very early on to teach the upper classes. Throughout his 48 years at Deoband, Mufti Ṣāḥib taught many books. They include: the 6 famous ḥadīth collections, Muwaṭṭāʾ Mālik, Muwaṭṭāʾ Muḥammad, Mishkāt, Sharḥ Maʿānī al-Āthār, Hidāyah, Sullam al-ʿUlūm, Hadyah Saʿīdiyyah, Mullā Ḥasan, Jalālayn, al-Fawz al-Kabīr, Musallam al-Thubūt, Sharḥ al-Āqāid, Dīwān Mutanabbī, Meybdhī, Tafsīr Bayḍāwī, Nukhbat al-Fikr, Ḥusāmī, Mullā Ḥasan, al-Sabʿ al-Muʿallaqāt, Sirājī, Tafsīr Maẓharī, Muqaddimah Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ and Ḥujjat Allah al-Bāligah.
In 1429 (2008), Mufti Ṣāḥib was appointed as the Shaykh al-Ḥadīth, a role Mufti Ṣāḥib continued to fulfil until his demise. Although the Darul Iftāʾ would consult him on important matters, Mufti Ṣāḥib generally stayed away from Iftāʾ matters and focused on his teaching and publications. There were some brief periods when he was tasked to supervise and manage the Darul Iftāʾ based on need.
Mufti Ṣāḥib has thousands of students across the world. Some of his notable students include:
- Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Mufti Aḥmad Khānpūrī Ṣāḥib (b. 1365/1946) (India).
- Mawlānā Muḥammad Sufyān Qāsmī (b. 1374/1954) (India).
- Mufti Shabbīr Aḥmad Qāsmī (India).
- Mufti Muḥammad Salmān Manṣūrpūrī (b. 1386/1967) (India).
- Mawlānā Sayyid Mahmūd Madani (b. 1383/1964) (India).
- Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Mawlānā Shafīq al-Islām Ṣāḥib (Bangladesh).
- Mufti Maḥmūd Bārdolī (India).
- Shaykh Taha Karaan (South Africa).
- Mufti Abdul Mannan (Uzbekistan).