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Dars of Abu Dawood Shareef vol 1 Urdu  ( Hadeeth )

Dars of Abu Dawood Shareef vol 1 Urdu ( Hadeeth )

By Mufti Musa baleshwari Shb  Teacher at Jamia Islamia Dewsbury compiled by Molana Ishaq Bodi
Dars of Abu Dawood Shareef
An Nasihah Publications has the honour of presenting a short but comprehensive, Dars of Abu Dawud by Hazrat Mufti Musa Badat Sahib Damat Barakatuhum (Khalifa of Mufti Mahmoodul Hasan Gangohi RA).
A compilation of notes, collated over a period of 20 years of teaching Abu Dawood, formatted into the form of a book for the benefit of teachers and students, delivering concise explanations to lengthy discussions in an understandable format.
Language: Urdu
Brief Biography of Ustaadhul Asaatidha Hazrat Mufti Musa Badat Sahib Damat Barakatuhum
Mufti Sahib studied in Gujarat, India. He completed Sahihul Bukhari under the Grand mufti of Gujarat, Mufti Ahmed Baimat Sahib, who was a close student of Hazrat Molana Husain Ahmed Madani R.A. Thereafter, Mufti Sahib went on to complete Iftaa in Dabhel, Gujarat, remaining in contact with Qutubul Aqtaab Hazrat Shaykh Zakariyya R.A. After the passing of Hazrat Shaykh R.A, Mufti Sahib continued his spiritual journey with the Grand Mufti of India, and author of Fatawa Mahmoodia, Mufti Mahmoodul Hasan Gangohi R.A who had much trust in Mufti Sahib he granted him khilafat and ijaazat. Today, many people including ulama are benefiting from Mufti Sahibs Islahi Majalis, through the wisdom and advice acquired by Mufti Sahib from the great Ulama and pious servants of Allah.
Hazrat Mufti Sahib has been the main Imam at Taylor St Masjid, Batley, since moving to the UK in 1983. Mufti Sahib was formerly an Ustadh of Hadith at Dewsbury Darul Uloom (Institute of Islamic Education), teaching kitaabs like Mishkaat for over 25 years and Abu Dawood Sharif for almost 20 years. Mufti Sahib has also been teaching Sahihul Bukhari for the last 7 years at Madrasah Mahmoodia in Batley. Anyone who has met or seen Mufti Sahib will have benefited through what they have learnt or seen from him

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